商品の説明 英語やその他の外国語で書かれた高品質な書籍を取り扱い 様々なジャンルがあり、語学学習や文化理解に最適 人気の作品から専門書まで、幅広い選択肢があります 海外の名作に触れて、新しい視点を得るチャンスです ジェームス・ミッジリィのSocial Development: The Developmental Perspective in Social Welfare です。 海外の書籍を取り揃えています 原文で読む楽しさを提供します 海外に発注したところ到着が遅れに遅れて読む時期をのがし、長く本棚で保管していました。 とても綺麗な状態です。貴重な新品でプレミアがついています。よろしくお願いします。 The social development approach seeks to integrate economic and social policies within a dynamic development process in order to achieve social welfare objectives. This first comprehensive textbook on the subject demonstrates that social development offers critically significant insights for the developed as well as the developing world. James Midgley describes the social development approach, traces its origins in developing countries, reviews theoretical issues in the field and analyzes different strategies in social development. By adding the developmental dimension, social development is shown to transcend the dichotomy between the residualist approach, which concentrates on targeting resources to the most needy, and the institutional approach which urges extensive state involvement in welfare 商品の情報 カテゴリー本・雑誌・漫画 > 本 > 洋書商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域東京都
ジェームス・ミッジリィのSocial Development: The Developmental Perspective in Social Welfare です。
The social development approach seeks to integrate economic and social policies within a dynamic development process in order to achieve social welfare objectives. This first comprehensive textbook on the subject demonstrates that social development offers critically significant insights for the developed as well as the developing world.
James Midgley describes the social development approach, traces its origins in developing countries, reviews theoretical issues in the field and analyzes different strategies in social development. By adding the developmental dimension, social development is shown to transcend the dichotomy between the residualist approach, which concentrates on targeting resources to the most needy, and the institutional approach which urges extensive state involvement in welfare
カテゴリー本・雑誌・漫画 > 本 > 洋書商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域東京都